504 Forms and Information
Please review the 504 Accommodations Parent Letter for further information.
Electronic Device Policy 23-24
As per Chancellor’s Regulation A-413, students are permitted to bring the following electronic items to school: 1) cell phones; 2) laptops, tablets, iPads and other similar computing devices; and 3) portable music and entertainment systems. However, each school must establish school-based policy regarding the use of such items on school property. This regulation was issued on 2/26/15. The following information reflects an update to our school policy. The updated policy will take effect as of September 6, 2017.
Students are required to keep cell phones off and away for the duration of the school day. This includes, but is not limited to, timers, alarms, and any other noises. If a student’s device is seen or heard it will be confiscated immediately.
- Electronic devices may not be used in bathrooms, gymnasium, the cafeteria, or any other area of the school property.
- Electronic devices may not be used during school fire/evacuation drills or other emergency preparedness exercises.
- Electronic devices may not be turned on or used during the administration of any school quiz, test or examination, except where such use has been explicitly authorized by the school or is contained in an Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Accommodation Plan.
- Electronic devices may not be used on field trips without the explicit permission of a school staff member.
PS/MS 47Q is not responsible for the loss or damage of electronic devices. Students must understand that they bring these items to school at their own risk.
If an electronic device is confiscated, it must be retrieved by a parent/guardian or an adult over the age of 18 listed on the student’s Emergency Blue Card. Electronic devices are returned only on Mondays between 7:30am-8:00am or 2:20pm and 2:45pm, unless there is no school on Monday due to vacation of more than 3 days. Arrangements for the return of a device under these circumstances will be made on a case by case basis.
Uniform Policy 23-24
PS/MS 47Q is a uniform school. We are asking for your support. We strongly encourage your participation in our uniform policy. Wearing a uniform helps schools:
- Promote a more effective learning climate
- foster unity and pride
- improve student performance
- foster student self-esteems
- eliminate label competition
- simplify dressing and minimize cost to parents
- teach children appropriate dress and decorum in their "work" place
- improve student conduct and discipline
Please see the uniform requirements below:
3K and PreK:
- Shirt - Solid ROYAL BLUE collared shirt (no tank tops, halter tops, sleeveless tops, midriff tops)
- Pants/Skirt/Skort/Shorts - ELASTIC WAISTBAND dark blue trousers, skirt/skort, shorts, dress/jumper, sweatpants (skirts must be to the knee or lower, skorts and shorts must be mid-thigh or lower)
- Shoes - any closed-toe and closed-heel shoes or sneakers (no flip flops, no sling backs, no open back shoes)
- Sweatshirt - Solid royal blue
Grades K - 5:
- Shirt - Solid Gray or solid light blue collared shirt OR school logo shirt (no tank tops, halter tops, sleeveless tops, midriff tops)
- Pants/Skirt/Skort/Shorts - Dark blue trousers, skirt/skort, shorts, dress/jumper, sweatpants on GYM DAYS ONLY (skirts must be to the knee or lower, skorts and shorts must be mid-thigh or lower)
- Shoes - any closed-toe and closed-heel shoes or sneakers (no flip flops, no sling backs, no open back shoes). SNEAKERS must be worn on GYM DAYS
- Sweatshirt - SOLID navy blue, BCAC, PS/MS 47 logo
Grades 6 - 8:
- Shirt - SOLID colored collared shirt OR school logo shirt (no tank tops, halter tops, sleeveless tops, midriff tops)
- Pants/Skirt/Skort/Shorts - any solid colored trousers or skirt/skort, shorts, sweatpants on GYM DAYS ONLY (skirts must be to the knee or lower, skorts and shorts must be mid-thigh or lower)
- Shoes - any closed-toe and closed-heel shoes or sneakers (no flip flops, no sling backs, no open back shoes). SNEAKERS must be worn on GYM DAYS
- Sweatshirt - SOLID navy blue, BCAC, PS/MS 47 logo
Thank you for your support of the school uniform.